Why is Renewable Energy Important?

Rodney Wiltshire

March 10, 2023

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is energy that comes from sources that will not run out for a long time. This includes hydropower, solar energy, and geothermal power.

These sources of energy have many benefits and are a great way to help the environment and our economy. They also create jobs and improve the quality of life in communities.

It’s Clean

Renewable energy is clean because it doesn’t use fossil fuels and doesn’t emit harmful pollutants. These pollutants include greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants that cause respiratory illnesses like asthma.

These harmful gases also contribute to climate change. This is why renewable energy is so important for our environment.

There are many different types of renewable energy, including wind, solar, hydropower and geothermal.

These renewable sources can help us reduce our dependency on imported fuels and the unpredictable price swings associated with them. They can also help us build a more stable energy market.

It’s Cheap

Renewable energy technologies are cheaper than fossil fuels, which makes them a more affordable choice for most of the world. This is partly because governments are now offering subsidies and incentives to make using renewables more cost-effective.

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) calls this the “virtuous cycle of falling costs.” More production and technological innovation drive down prices, which leads to more deployment.

This means that we can replace fossil fuels with renewables in most countries at a fraction of the price it would have cost to use coal or natural gas before they became less attractive.

This is good news for the environment, because it means we can reduce our carbon emissions more quickly. It also means we can make our planet more resilient to climate change.

It’s Good for the Environment

Wind, solar and hydroelectric systems produce electricity without the emissions that come from burning fossil fuels. They also don’t release nitrous oxides that cause excess air pollution in urban areas.

Renewables are not the only way to create clean, cheap energy. However, they are essential to reducing our emissions, which in turn will help us to avoid climate change.

Renewables can be deployed much more quickly than fossil-fuel power plants, which require extensive infrastructure to extract, transport and install. Moreover, they are typically cheaper to operate.

Renewable Energy – It’s Good for Your Health

In addition to reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy also has a positive impact on our health. Studies have shown that switching to renewables can reduce the incidence of diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and kidney disease, digestive diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, neoplasms and sense organ diseases.

These benefits can add up to millions of dollars in savings for our health every year, according to a study published in Nature Climate Change. The scientists looked at four low-carbon energy installations in six different locations across the US and simulated how these projects would benefit both our climate and our health.

Renewable Energy – It’s Good for the Economy

Unlike fossil fuels, which are non-renewable resources that can’t be replenished, renewable energy sources are plentiful and available in some capacity nearly everywhere. This means they won’t run out, which is one reason why they are so important for our future.

The majority of Americans support a transition to clean energy production from renewable sources such as wind and solar. But some foresee economic downsides in such a transition.

In fact, the United States has already created thousands of jobs in the renewable energy sector. This includes jobs in manufacturing, project development, construction and turbine installation, and operations and maint